Thursday, December 3, 2009


Okay, I don't think that it needs to be reiterated how terrible I am at posting. I think the date of the previous posting says it all. So this is a summary of the last year. Since all of you reading this probably know the major events that have happened in the last year, I'll keep it short.

One: We left our sweet little life serving the Lord's people in Corvallis and moved to experience a whole new adventure in Prineville. We love it here! The Lord has been so incredibly good to us. He has given us new friends and a wonderful church body that has made us feel so loved. Rory, of course, is thriving in his new position. The Lord has raised up some incredible men to come alongside Rory to help minister to this body. We already count many people in Prineville as dear, dear friends. God is so GOOD!

Two: We had a new baby! Well, I did. Rory just stood around and watched:) Laney Moriah is a new love in our life. She will be three months tomorrow. Laney was three weeks early. Labor was induced because she had stopped growing. After a short stay in the NICU, we were able to take her home and she is doing great. Again, the Lord has been so incredibly good to us.

I guess that brings us up to the present. I will try to be better at blogging more frequently. Here are some pictures of Lane:)

This is Russell's first time seeing Laney.

This was taken right after Laney was taken off the respirator in the NICU.

Laney finally arrives home! I say this mindful of how very blessed we were that her condition was not any worse. My heart aches for all those families who spend countless hours at a hospital bedside.

These two pictures are taken at 11 and 13 days old. It's so funny because she was 5'13'' when she was born, 2 pounds smaller than Russell! Everyone in the delivery room, "she's so tiny!" Everyone in the NICU, "she's so big!"

This is the most recent picture I have of Laney. You can see that she is growing like a weed! Just praising the LORD for such a healthy, beautiful, little gril (a gril is a girl in Ro Language).

Friday, October 31, 2008

Watch Out, Dragon Crossing!

Our October, like all Octobers, ended with the Harvest Carnival. Last month while my parents were visiting, my mom and I went to Old Navy to shop for a costume. Jessica and Jonny had bought Eli a monkey costume there and I just had to have one for Russell because it was so darn cute. I didn't want to be that "annoying friend" and get the exact same costume, so we chose the next best one.
Here are some more highlights of the nights:
Russell loved the Big Dog Bounce.
A dinosaur painting.
Pumpkin bowling with Sarah and Claire Cross.
And a picture with his favorite monkey!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Portland Zoo

Aunt Lacey, Aunt Karli, Wyatt and Lily joined us for a day at the Portland Zoo.